It’s exam time again! With just a day to go its all about sleepless nights, revision stress, sample papers and lots of tension! Most students sweat as the date of examination approaches. To increase productivity and take the exams well, it is necessary - besides studying hard - to reduce the stress by focusing on eating habits, sleep patterns, mental and physical fitness. Examination stress triggers reactions from feeling irritable to being unable to eat or sleep properly, feeling fearful or even panicky. We bring to all parents and students a guide on dealing with the stress and acing the exams. Credit: Google Eat right - A balanced diet is important, especially during examinations. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide reserves of energy and boost your ability to concentrate. Avoid lots of processed, sugary foods like cereal, biscuits, sweets and chocolate. Lean protein like chicken, egg, plenty of veg and carbs that release their energy slowly like wholegrain bread,...
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