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Board Exams: Beat The Stress And Ace Them

It’s exam time again! With just a day to go its all about sleepless nights, revision stress, sample papers and lots of tension! Most students sweat as the date of examination approaches. To increase productivity and take the exams well, it is necessary - besides studying hard - to reduce the stress by focusing on eating habits, sleep patterns, mental and physical fitness. Examination stress triggers reactions from feeling irritable to being unable to eat or sleep properly, feeling fearful or even panicky. We bring to all parents and students a guide on dealing with the stress and acing the exams. Credit: Google Eat right  - A balanced diet is important, especially during examinations. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide reserves of energy and boost your ability to concentrate. Avoid lots of processed, sugary foods like cereal, biscuits, sweets and chocolate. Lean protein like chicken, egg, plenty of veg and carbs that release their energy slowly like wholegrain bread, ric

5 Tips to beat the Winter Blues and Study Hard

Winters are difficult especially in North India with really low temperatures. Yet, this is THE TIME when students prepare for their final exams and entrance exams. Our best wishes for a lovely winter ahead! All we love to do is sleep and stay cozy but we need to study. So how should we beat the winter blues and have power packed winters devoted to AWESOME PREPARATION. 1. Make yourself and your study area warm If you keep feeling cold then your focus will be away from studies. Gloves, caps and socks are a must! Additionally keep a warm blanket on your seat and over your legs. You should also be wearing enough warm clothes. Sit in an area which is well lit and faces the sun. Avoid heaters or blowers as they can make you sick. 2. Hot Beverages To The Rescue Of course you will feel sleepy sometimes and you will wish for Tea or Coffee. Once in a while, having tea and coffee can give you the necessary energy. However, you can opt for healthier options like hot milk, hot cocoa or h

Tips To Prevent Bad Breath

Bad breath or halitosis is usually due to the breakdown of proteins by bacteria somewhere in the mouth. However, there are several other possible causes in the airways, oesophagus and stomach that can also lead to bad breath. If you do not brush and floss daily, particles of food remain in the mouth, collecting bacteria, which can cause bad breath.   • Always maintain a high level of oral and dental hygiene. • In addition to brushing, it is important to clean between the teeth using dental floss. • Use a tongue cleaner and clean right to the back of the tongue. • Drink plenty of fluids and avoid too much caffeinated products like coffee. • Eat fresh fibrous vegetables.Use a mouthwash recommended by your dentist or pharmacist. • The best time to use it is just before sleeping. • A fluoride mouth rinse, used along with brushing and flossing, can help prevent tooth decay. • Clean your mouth after having milk products, fish and meat. • These food items collect between the teeth

5 Trapezius Exercises Without Weights or any tool

Wanna traps (or trapezius) like Goldberg?     Powerful, bulging traps are eye-catchers that give a real powerful look to your physique. I am, of course, talking about the trapezius muscles, which extends along part of the neck and down the shoulder blades, whose function is to support the arms, move the shoulder blades… and make you look superhuman. Trapezius is an important muscle group which aids in supporting the spine and neck muscles. The trapezius consists of three regions and bodybuilders work on their traps more frequently than any other muscle in upper body. By building traps, one can  increase the upper body strength  which is extremely required for weight lifting. In-addition to that, you will grab more attention from other people. Since it’s not always possible to train with weights, there are a couple of exercises that can really help to build traps just by using your own body-weight. But it’s important to do these exercises at-least three time

How to Get Six-Pack Abs at Home

Sure, the amount of detail in your abs is most directly related to what you stuff down your gullet. But don’t fool yourself into thinking that training them hard has somehow gone out of style. If you expect to have a midsection worth showing off, it's crucial to blast your abs with challenging and constantly varying workouts. Too often, we get stuck in the same remedial array of exercises, sets and reps, allowing the miracle of adaptation to rob us of any potential gains in muscle quality. By stepping things up and implementing more intense training protocols, you can swiftly enhance the appearance of your six-pack—or get it to show up for the first time. Directions Don't rest between exercises on either superset. Simply alternate exercises until five total supersets have been completed. Rest 1–2 minutes between Supersets 1 and 2.                        Superset No.1 1. Ab Wheel Rollout Sets – 5 Reps – 10 Wheel it in: One of

Facts about Blood Donation, Benefits, Myths, Blood Groups

Our readers, especially the students/young people, must know about some important facts related with Blood Donation. Even there are questions in the Exams related with Blood Donations. Here we are providing you complete details regarding Blood Donation – Facts, Benefits for the donors, Myths behind donating blood and information related with various blood groups. Ill-knowledge regarding Blood Donation causes dilemma among the would-be blood donors.  In this blog, we will first tell you as to why Blood Donation is necessary. Why is Blood Donation is must ? 1. You can save the life of the needy. 2. Production of Blood is not possible nor is there any substitute possible of it. Donation is the only alternative. 3. In India, we need 40 million unit of 250 cc whereas we only get 5 lac unit blood. 4. In our body there is only 7% blood of the total weight of it. 5. As per the statistics, more than 25% people need blood in their lives. Benefits of Donating Blood


SOMETIMES THE DISTANCES WILL BE CLOSER AND OTHER TIMES THEY WILL BE FARTHER AWAY. Credit: Google The reason for this is that the planets have elliptical orbits and none of them are perfect circles. As an example, the distance between the planet Mercury and the Earth can vary from 77 million kilometers at the nearest point, to 222 million kilometers at the furthest point. There are a lot of differences in the distances between the planets depending on their position in their orbital path. The following table shows the eight planets and the average distance between them. The AU column is the distance in astronomical units. 1 AU is the distance from the Sun to Earth, which is 149,600,000 km . PLANET DISTANCE TABLE FROM TO AU KM MILES Mercury Venus 0.34 50,290,000 31,248,757 Mercury Earth 0.61 91,691,000 56,974,146 Mercury Mars 1.14 170,030,000 105,651,744 Mercury Jupiter 4.82 720,420,000 447,648,234 Mercury Saturn 9.14 1,36